Mirko Lazovic (1979)

Jong Talent 2006,Koninklijke Academie van Beeldende Kunsten, Den Haag.

Installations are including psycological refereneces compared with personal vision.
Information that on each 86 seconds somebody attempts suicide, has questionable meaning.
The works are video instalations and sculptures,as well as public interventions and T-shirts. describing and defining Parasuicide, as the most posible critical life spot, at least with possibility of further exploration.

  1. The Well
  2. Gloomy Sunday
  3. Call:0900-SUICIDE
  4. JUMP!
  5. You'll be better off without me
  6. Concert of Angels

Curriculum vitae Mirko Lazovic

Mirko Lazovic
1979, Beograd
periode type institution richting diploma
2006 - 2008 kunstacademie Koninklijk Conservatorium, Den Haag ArtScience MA ja
2002 - 2006 kunstacademie Koninklijke Academie voor Beeldende Kunsten (KABK), Den Haag Bildende Kunst ja
1999 - 2005 vervolgopleiding University of Arts, Belgrade, Serbia Grafiek ja
periode naam plaats solo/group omschrijving
2008 Paraat#4 Amsterdam groeps
2008 Sign gallery Groningen groeps
2008 KABK Eindexamen expositie Den Haag groeps
2006 Art Olive Joung Talents Belgrade, Servie groeps
2006 Eindexamen Expositie, KABK Den Haag groeps
2006 Here Kitty Kitty, Oud STROOM Den Haag groeps
2005 "Maybe I wont be there" KABK< Depandance Den Haag solo
2005 Call:0900-SUICIDE, KABK galerie Den Haag groeps
2004 BELEF, Belgrade Summer Festival Belgrade, Servie groeps
2003 BELEF, Belgrade Summer Festival Belgrade, Servie groeps
2002 5th Bienall of Young Artists, Vrsac, Servie groeps
Prijzen en subsidies
periode type omschrijving
2006, 2010, 2012 subsidie STROOM Pro Subsidie
Nimejer Fonds 2006 subsidie